Congrats to Malaysia team

Congrats to all Malaysia athlete perform at Sea Games 26th 2011. You guys done an excellent job.
Our football team Congratulation for holding that gold medal tight. For our aquatic team WOW!!! that awesome sad for volleyball guys need an extra and intensive training dude.
For Sepak Takraw really need to find back your touch. huhuhu ...
Team memanah, menembak, bowling dan guys selalu memberi senyuman awal emas..hehehehe...keep up the good effort. Love you guys..
For BAM you have an excellent player but need to reduce political issue when come to choose the player..they can play but need to put lot of effort to achieve gold again..It will be sweet kalau dapat menang Emas untuk badminton jugak.Lebih berharga..Ini kerana bola dan badminton  dua acara yang menjadi rebutan Malaysia - Indonesia.
Anyway CONGRATULATION for all athletes and keep up the good effort.


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