Music Note ... one amazing ideas ^_^

Lately I'm being addicted with Led Apple music note show at YouTube channel . Seriously I love the covers version they made ^_^ and now recently they want to do some donation for their profit from this show feeling like some good thing might happen to them very soon. Really hope they can get more attention in this industry. They got talent. 
 Okay enough about them. Now telling about myself.. Lately haven't feeling so condition like up and down every second and Doc said that I need lots of rest. But in practical section I don't think I can rest. Right now my result B+ and I need minimum A- to be posting without an interview.. waaarrgghhh It draw lot of tense now...  Just now I need do my best and pray. Hopefully someone up there hear my pray ^_^
and lets hear from Led Apple with their cover on Sherlock by Shinee  ( Sorry Shinee I love this version but Shinee still Debak ^-^ with original version) and credit to steroyal a.k.a Led apple kekekekeke 


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