The result ......

I'm sat in front tv until 4 a.m. ..WOW  impress with myself kekekeke and the winner goes to BN (again??? okay..) That majority voice dude can't help it.. Well we leave that (I hate politic ..sorry) just for our knowledge.. 
yesterday was my busy day.. 7.30 a.m. drive from Bangi and reached Simpang Renggam (S.R) at 9.50 a.m. ffuuuoohh really did my best to reached S.R. before 11 a.m. so I can get some rest before punched in working at 12.30 p.m. uhuk2 and my mom said WHAT??? how fast you drive??? did you know AES??? (ooopppsss mom sorry) waiting for that what ever speed  trap summons ticket to knock my door..uhuk2 really sorry mom..she worry because my car was under her name ^O^ ... LOL 
 eemmm now just calm down my nerve with this song sung by Led Apple...Yong-Hee .. ^_^



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