Kverts Fashion SHow - Adnan Hassan Collection 2

If yesterday I uploaded ladies design form Mr Adnan Hassan, now it time for our boys..P/S: just ignore incompetence models.they new in this field :)

 For those who don't like usual jacket or blazer you can try this one.  :)

Love this jacket...it remind me some movie character and also one of design had been wear by Jung Yong Hwa but I don't remember the designer name..had similar felling but of cause different design, different designer and as you can see different model :) kekekeke
Just plain and simple..however this jacket giving masculine vibe...and I  can see bad boy image with bike :) some rider maybe ..uhuk2 :p

White something make you look interesting :) This jacket just nice. It make you stand out but at the same time it not over shadow you..I always love white

Nice shirt but some how it will be nice if you tuck in that shirt or maybe wear some belt or vest :) ..it just not your size..but I love this design.really simple but trust me if this shirt fit him well he will shine more in it.

Finally here our Mr Adnan Hassan :) big applause for him...wish for your success :)

Lastly here some picture for our memory :) see you next Kverts Fashion Show





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