Our journey never end as long as we breath :) .. there will be many accident and occasion take place a long that road. One I learn, always prepare you will never know what next ....
1.3 Pendekatan Falsafah Kneller (1971) menyatakan bahawa aktiviti falsafah terbahagi kepada tiga cara atau stail iaitu falsafah spekulatif, falsafah preskriptif dan falsafah analitik. Falsafah spekulatif ialah satu cara pemikiran yang sistematik mengenai semua yang wujud sebagai satu keseluruhan. Ia juga satu proses mencari susunan dan keseluruhan yang tidak hanya tertumpu kepada satu item atau pengalaman tetapi kepada semua pengetahuan dan pengalaman. Cara pemikiran yang sistematik tentang sesuatu yang wujud, iaitu berdasarkan hakikat bahawa memang menjadi fitrah manusia berkeinginan untuk melihat sesuatu secara keseluruhan yang bermakna. Misalnya apabila kita melihat pemandangan yang indah, fikiran kita biasanya tidak tertumpu pada keindahan itu semata-mata, tetapi akan menjelajah ke perkara lain yang lebih khusus yang mewujudkan keindahan itu. Cara ahli falsafah spekulatif ini dapat dilihat melalui perbuatan kita sehari-hari. Falsafah spekulatif berusaha untuk mencari ...
It is worth the wait. I'm have been waiting like a century when they said Song Joong Ki being cast for this drama. I love the plot ,even some of them make me having this symbol???. I love the joke, humor , kiss , fight, and also their cloth :) . Well over all this is one of good drama this year. The cast really do well. Their chemistry not only for the lead actor but also goes for entire team. You can feel their sad, madness and live as a team, family far away from home. The director beautifully blend the story well. For the writer "WOW ! thumbs up". So TDOTS team FIGHTING!!!! This story begin with an introduction about Yoo Shin Ji (Song Joong Ki) and Seo Dae Young (Jin Go) who works as a solder in Special Force Unit. Captain Yoo is a leader mean while Sarjan Major Dae Young work as his assistant. During their off day, they catch a motorcycle thief on the street. The thief was injured during his capture and been send to the hospital. Captain Yoo and Dae Youn...
I love this new k-drama. Nice, sweet but sometimes you can hate them..kekekekeke trust me. Most all the actors play really well to portray the character :) congrats and keep the hard work guys. and not to forget for all the staff whom work hard for this drama (bow) thank you :) . I also love the cloths in here..they look really beautiful and suit for each character :) ( I wish I could try Hanbok once :) ) The story : It start when Hong Ra On disguises as a boy Hong Nam and counsels a man on dating problem. Because of the letter she wrote for her customer, she meet crown prince Hyomyeong (Prince Lee Young). The letter was mean for princess which Prince Lee young's sister. The prince do not realise that Hong Nam aka Ra On is a girl become interested in her. When she being force to be eunuch, she being place to the prince place and serve him. Until one day he fall in love with her and want to confess his feeling even though it wrong (because he thought she is a boy). However ...
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